Treatment Court
Our Mission
The Jasper County Treatment Court seeks to promote public safety and reduce recidivism through a collaborative, inter-agency response. These programs have proven to be cost effective over more traditional methods such as jail, while addressing the core issues surrounding substance abuse and mental illness to break the cycle of addiction and criminal activity. By providing a balance of accountability and therapeutic intervention, our Treatment Court offers participants the opportunity to improve their quality of life while transforming them into positive, contributing members of our community.
What is Treatment Court
Treatment Courts are special dockets in the court system designed to offer substance abuse treatment, combined with supervision and judicial oversight to provide non-violent addicts the tools they need to change their lives.
Treatment Court Judges lead interdisciplinary teams of professionals which include administration, prosecuting attorney, treatment providers, case managers, probation officers, and law enforcement.
While participant eligibility and requirements differ with each Court, to graduate all participants must demonstrate abstinence from drugs and alcohol, satisfy treatment and supervision conditions, complete program requirements, pay applicable fees and restitution.
During the program participants attend treatment, undergo frequent random drug and alcohol testing, meet with their probation officer or caseworker, and appear before the Judge during regular court sessions. Prior to each court appearance the Treatment Court team meet in a non- adversarial staffing to review the progress of each participant. The Judge addresses each participant’s level of success in open court and determines the appropriate course of action in each case.
Assessments and treatment plans are individualized to address the clinical needs of each person. In addition to substance abuse treatment, services may include trauma and mental health treatment, educational and vocational counseling, housing assistance, medical health referrals, and life skills building.
For additional information about Missouri Treatment Courts, click below.
Jared prater
Treatment Court Administrator
Contact Information:
Phone: 417-438-4245
Testimonial Video
Informational Brochures and Resources
Treatment Court (DWI Court, Recovery Court, Veterans Court, Co-Occurring Disorders Court)
Jasper County Resource Guide